Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 10, 2014

Birth Centenary of Begum Akhtar


India Post  issued a postage stamp to commemorate Begum Akhtar on  2 December 1994 which was withdrawn shortly after the  issue being printed with water soluble ink.

Akhtari Bai Faizabadi, also known as Begum Akhtar (7 October 1914 – 30 October 1974), was a well known Indian singer of Ghazal, and Dadra, and Thumri genres of Hindustani classical music. She received the Sangeet Natak Akademi Award for vocal music, and was awarded Padma Shri and Padma Bhushan (posthumously) by Govt. of India. She was given the title of Mallika-e-Ghazal (Queen of Ghazals). Her year long Birth Centenary Celebrations started on 7th October 2014.

India Post must honor this greatest Indian Singer of all time on postage stamp . It is quite surprising that her name is not in the tentative list of stamps scheduled to be issued  in 2014.


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Tributes to Begum Akhtar

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Birth Centenary Commemoration of Begum Akhtar Set of Commemorative Coins Released


New Delhi: 7 October 2014 : The year-long birth centenary celebrations of noted classical singer Begum Akhtar began today. In an impressive function held here today Union Culture Minister Shri Shripad Naik released a set of commemorative coins of Rs.100 and Rs.5. Noted singers Dr. Rita Ganguly (Dadra), Shri Shashank Shekhar (Thumri) and Smt. Prabhati Mukherjee (Ghazal) gave an impressive performance on the occasion.

On completion of 100 years of this versatile genius, the Government of India has decided to commemorate the occasion. With this end in view, a National Implementation Committee (NIC) under the Chairmanship of Union Culture Minister was constituted to chalk out programmes and activities that may be taken up during the commemoration year.

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