Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 3, 2015

Club News



Lifetime Achievement Award to  Noted artist and  philatelist Shri Dipok Dey by Department of Posts

Renowned artist and philatelist  Shri Dipok Dey was honoured with ‘Life time achievement award’ by North Bengal Postal Circle of India Post for promoting philately in North Bengal. During ‘Depex-2014’ district level philatelic exhibition held at Darjeeling the Life Time Achievement Award’ was conferred to Shri Dipok Dey but he could not attend the function held on 30th November 2014 at Darjeeling as he was attending Assampex-2014, state level philatelic exhibition held at Guwahati as a member of Jury. On 28th February 2015, Shri Suvash Darnal, Superintendent of Post Offices, Darjeeling Division presented the award to Shri Dipok Dey at his residence in Kolkata.


We, the philatelists are proud of Shri  Dipok Dey and wish him a long life to continue his services to philately. Thanks to North Bengal Postal Circle of India Post for recognizing the philatelic services of Shri Dey and giving this honour to him. I am sure other Postal Circles of India Post will come forward and give recognition to the deserving persons, working for the promotion of philately. I am pleased to share here a Post on Shri Dipok Dey published  about 3 years back.

The Day of Dipok Dey



Kolpex-2015, District Level Philatelic Exhibition to be held at Newtown, Kolkata from 11th to 13th March 2015

Kolpex-2015, District Level Philatelic Exhibition will be held from 11th to 13th March 2015 at Nazrul Tirtha Kendra, Rajarhat, Newtown, Kolkata.

During the exhibition two special covers, one on "Howrah Bridge" and another on "Core Banking Solution” will be released on 11th March and 13th March respectively. Philatelic quiz, drawing competition and a power-point presentation on philately has also been organised during this three day exhibition.

Philatelists are requested to attend the said exhibition to make the event a grand success. For participation and more information Contact: Philatelic Bureau, Kolkata GPO.

Press Clipping


- Garhwal; Post : 2 March 2014

Flower Show and Romance with Stamps

image - Abhai Mishra

The heading of this article may seem a bit peculiar. What flower show has to do with stamps? At least everyone will agree that both flowers and stamps are beautiful, one is God’s creativity while the other is Men’s. I still crisply remember the early spring of 2003. Sh. Sudarshan Agarwal took over as the Governor of Uttaranchal on 08-01-2003 and Mrs. Madhu Narayanan was the Chief Post Master General at that time. There was one thing which was common in both of them, their love for stamps. The idea of having a flower show (spring festival) was mooted in Jan 2003 and it was decided that the Raj Bhawan, Dehradun will host the first flower show from 15-16 March 2003. The Governor himself being a philatelist wished to have a special cover on the occasion. The first special cover on the flower show was issued on 15-Mar-2003 on the theme of Brahm Kamal (Saussurea obvallata). During the release it was discussed to have a stamp exhibition in coming future at Dehradun. Mrs. Narayanan sprang into action and the ball got rolling. Rajesh Varma and I were more than happy to be a part of the organizing committee. On 06-Apr-2003, a painting competition was organized at Raj Bhawan for children. Again a special cover was released and the stamp exhibition named “DOONTOPEX” was formally launched by the Governor to happen on 18-20 July 2003 at SJA, Dehradun. The name “DOONTOPEX” was re-used, as in 1978; a stamp exhibition was organized at Dehradun from 15-18 January 1978 with the same name.

As philatelist’s we were very happy to have a philatelist as Governor. In 2004, during the flower show, special cover on “Orchid” (Aerides odorantum) was released. During the release function the Governor expressed his wish to have a stamp exhibition at Nainital and generously offered the Raj Bhawan, Nainital as the venue. It was something unexpected, a stamp exhibition at Raj Bhawan !! The then CPMG Mrs. Suneeta Trivedi immediately dispatched myself and Rajesh to Nainital for the ground work. We carried scores of stamp workshops in different schools and motivated the children to prepare stamp exhibits. The exhibition was held from 18-20 June 2004 at Raj Bhawan with the Governor as host. There were more than 150 exhibits from the children of Nainital. Special covers on Naini Lake, Raj Bhawan and Aries observatory were released during the exhibition. The north end of the Naini lake is called Mallital, where Naina Devi temple is situated while the southern end is called Tallital which has a bridge having Gandhiji’s statue and Post office on its side. Very few know that it is the only post office of its kind in the world which is located on a lake bridge.

During the spring festival of 2006 and 2007 special covers were released on Bonsai and Cobra Lily. Uttarakhand has the rare distinction of having three honorable winners in the World Bonsai Contest – 2005 organized by “World Bonsai Friendship Federation” at Japan. The prize winning bonsai were depicted in the special cover of 2006. In October 2007 Sh. Sudarshan Agarwal handed over the charge of Governor to Sh. BL Joshi. But the tradition has been started and the legacy was firmly in place. The romance of flower show with stamps was in full bloom. On 08-Mar-2008 special cover on Valley of Flowers, featuring ‘Morina longifolia’ was released during the spring festival. In 2008, the then CPMG Sh. Vivek Kaul requested us to write a book on Uttarakhand stamps. The book titled “Uttarakhand-A Philatelic Journey” written by me and Rajesh Varma, published by the Department of Posts, was released by the Governor during the 2009 flower show. Continuously, since then special covers are being released featuring different flowers during the spring festival at Raj Bhawan.

Year 2015 was again special for the stamp lovers. Again an ardent philatelist, Dr. KK Paul took over as the Governor of Uttarakhand on 08-Jan-2015. The legacy was again re-lived. On 28 Feb 2015, during the flower show, a stamp exhibition was organized in the corridors of historical old circuit house. The present CPMG Sh. Uday Krishna, left no stone unturned to make it a grand success. The exhibition is unique in many senses. It displayed the stamp collection of Dr. KK Paul along with other prominent philatelist and children of Dehradun. It is for the first time that a stamp exhibition was organized at Raj Bhawan, Dehradun. The corridor of the old circuit house had been mute witness to the visit of many historical personalities. This time it has STAMPS as the visitor.

The stamp lovers of Dehradun will always cherish the philatelic association with Raj Bhawan. I personally hope, that the romance of stamps with flower show will bloom to a greater height in the years to come.

- Abhai Mishra : email :

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